Block Puzzle Win

 Somebody's gonna eat Donkey ass...

So I play the game tutorial and this woman promises me this immediately 

She's gonna kiss donkey ass if they don't pay
So I'm obviously rolling my eyes, and finish the tutorial: to my surprise I earn in-app money from doing exactly as I'm told like a kindergartener.. But 

Do they mean business??? Let's see? 
They hassled me some, but after a while...

They're saying 3-7 days, right? So it's 9-1st at the time I did this, I should have money by the 7th!(?)

Unless they count only business days; then at most on the next Friday? The 9th? We'll see!

OK checked again this morning: I estimated by Friday, but it's Thursday and they say I have only...

10 hours this morning, and now...

Now only 3, by 4:00 PM today I should have $100 added to my Paypal.. let's see! 
Am I getting $100 no bullshit? Or will I get to watch a blonde kiss Donkey ass?
Is my time perception wrong? Do I possess  lower than 1st grade intelligence and I cannot tell time nor predict something so simple? It was 1:00PM earlier and at about 3 hours it would have been 4, right? Maybe it's just in the minutes? Yeah, I didn't think about the minutes.... So now it's 5:20 PM a rough estimate would make it be around...5:50PM(?) when I get paid. No bullshit, right?

Looks like a beautiful blonde's kissing Donkey ass! They gave me this piss-poor excuse immediately when the time came! The hassles I mentioned earlier was that my email address was typed wrong: NOW it was already in my predictive-text which I used THOUSANDS OF MILLIONS of times, which works, my gmail is cluttered because of that... So I know I didn't type it in wrong, I know the CPU/predictive-text wasn't! They came up with a excuse to not give me the money, and I far too kindly or stupidly filled it in again and waited...

 Here it's right, but I marked out correct email-address  aside: you can see fixing the "mistake" didn't help either

Again for emphasis: if it/the address was wrong I would not have a Paypal or anything else: I know the predictive text was right! So when they showed my "email address" purposely spelled wrong.. I knew to call out: BULLSHIT!!! (Which also came up now up in the predictive text😉) 

This wraps up my review on this app! It's stupid as fuck and a waste of time, even if they email me about money later, they tried to screw around first so.. my score is always unchanging.. but don't worry, I'll post IF they eventually do try to do right, but it's a trap by every and all means it's:

Here they are
And here's their daughter...


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