Cash Raven

 Atrio methun zentos??
Azarath Metrion Zinthos!!!?

Freshly downloaded this so we'll both be discovering bullshit togetheršŸ˜ This app apparently only needs to be running without your phone's optimized battery and you're earning money! Letsee!!
Like with Play well, they Thanked me for downloading... And you know how well that turned out....

All the prerequistes to start earning

Now this is when they said they wanted me to give it unbridled power!! So I went to systems settings then apps, and to this app and gave it FULLPOWER!!!! We'll see if it'll give me money..the $6 at the start is hopefully just a piece as to what the app will start very,  gratuitously paying a little later

OK this is many weeks after I uninstalled; it DOES NOT give you money, at least not in any reasonable way.. The app had increments it gives in, like lower than cents.. which DOES NOT go up if the app is off, and DOES NOT work if your cell is running out of power, the app wasn't turned on that day, or if it doesn't feel WiFi or mobile data.. While I don't have mobile, it worked sometimes with wifi; but only if I had the app on and staying onscreen. It will NOT pay even its fake money if you don't have you phone on and staring at this app all day every goddamn day. It's not worth it if you use your phone in any way, or if you need money. You can't even cash out the $6 you initially get, so it's impossible to get a red cent from Cash Raven.. because its makers as well as the app are 

I walked out in the dreary and cold air, under the damning clouds overcast upon the cold, wet and muddy earth.. I see a lone Raven watching from a rotted tree, ready to crash to the ground with the slightest wind that blows. I then thought aloud "Will I ever get paid by Cash Raven? Maybe I should redownload the app? But when will I get paid by it?", the Raven then screams: " NEVERMORE, NEVERMORE, NEVERMORE, NEVERMORE, NEVERMORE, NEVERMORE, NEVERMORE, NEVERMORE, NEVERMORE! " 



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