
 A piece of cake!... I mean um...uh.. pie?

I  originally started this blog to tell you when a "Money Making App" is bullshit, but I had to do this site too! (Unless of course there IS a "Slice the Pie" app; then we're all very, very good about this at least!) I won't go over what the site OFFICIALLY calls itself doing and neither will I refer to official sources because they LIE! Just like with the apps I'll tell you what I read, experienced and finally how much #Bullshit is going on here!

Slice the Pie is a reviewing site, which rewards users via points which can be traded in for money.. now while it's not gratuitous amounts I can safely say it's more than what you'd make in surveys and in Bullshit gaming-for-money-apps, as it's consistent up to a specific point...
This will be a long, thorough, thick and gratuitous review, skip to the FINAL paragraphs to see why this site is listed here immediately

Now Skip!

Slice the pie used to let people review every category you see up there: Music, Fashion, Mobile (apps? devices? I don't know) and Homeware, it even glitches sometimes and reveals it had a section for toys too! But I guess times changed and one can only review music now (yeah when I tapped the toys thing, it just looped me back to that screen up there...) So I listened to music... 

The first problem was that they ask you what music you like first, implying you'd be listening to and reviewing that and/or those specific genres of music you choose.  But you'll actually be reviewing any random crap that they shove into your ears, so be ready.... 

Hm? "Stop being so mean, music is hard work!"? No Sorry: I asked for metal and rock and expected it! Don't ask if: the victim actually doesn't get to choose at all

Alright you know I'll never just call bullshit unless I tried the site/app, and again to provide a example, so.....

Yeah, music plays and you have to say what you think if it...
thing is; they play any random music (as stated earlier) and it's difficult to think of something new to say everytime.. Believe me, I went through several changes to get "Perfect" at writing reviews; slowly but surely I had to change from leaving actual reviews to robotically grading the music. "What do I mean?" I'll show you.. 

Here's a example of one if the last things I did, I had to resort to this because they were not accepting normal, organic reviews! For instance if I heard a song I hated yet liked certain parts I'd truthfully say:

"This song kinda sucks, but the lyrics are fun!
The singer kinda slurs the words and the music obscures their voice too.
But it has a good beat, so it is not THAT bad ..especially near the end!"

But they hated these kinds of reviews and for stupid reasons! #1 was the thing wanted a specific amount of characters before it would accept what I wrote. That example up there us actually too short, even if I had nothing more to say. I eventually had to start making up things about the songs to fill in space, but they eventually kept showing rejection messages for those also..

So I had to alter my reviews several times to continue making money with the site.. Now probably before you jump at me with your college degree and start screaming "THERE'S A SPECIFIC WAY TO WRITE! JUST DO IT RIGHT!" you have to understand that reviews are one's opinion on a product, service, ect. While bias hampers one ability to correctly review something, giving a natural opinion is a better way to convey what's going on with it. If something made someone angry, you can assume something is up with whay they're reviewing. Buyer beware is a thing and rather or not someone is guided by anger and/or disappointed while writing a review; it all helps you to know what you'll be dealing with when or if you consume whatever the review was about.

Hm? If that was too wordy and random: basically nature beats lying. If your review is too mechanized then one CAN technically know about a product but will not be ready or (if they're a way too trusting or even lazy person) will assume something opposite of what the product or media actually is. I didn't want to lie and so gave reviews based on how I felt, along with what literally happened as I listened to the song..

Like I said I'm going to write this as I'm doing reviews one last time for this Godforsaken trash site to give you a complete review and to be Fair, as I always try to see how I'm wrong. I'll even show you what kind of reviews I used to write and the amount of flack SlicethePie gives.. Though if you're a robot or literally work for Slice the pie, then this may not be a problem for you if you're using or going to use the site...

This message occurred the most out of everything else that they tortured and  bombarded me with! If you leave a normal review they WILL give you this message immediately. Now like I said: I Am Fair! Despite my first reviews being angry because they vomited up anything (that they call music) in my ears, even after I said what genre I liked. But after I remembered that I'm getting paid and started to carefully write constructive reviews... I still got this. Yes the message looked neutral/non-offensive and only about the song, but this message popped up for many stupid reasons. "What are those reasons?" you might ask, and might robotically follow up with "All you have to do is write comprehensively." No, I did write this way and still do, 

...can't say always had written decently as typos happen. But In this case (as I showed before in my example) I wrote reviews based on how entertaining the song was and even if I didn't like it, I would simply state the song never tried to excite the listener.. and they constantly hit me with that error thing, even when I wrote reviews the way they wanted! Almost as if they actually DON'T want peoples' opinions!

To be very candid: I went through many songs just trying to write this review and trying to get the same error messages for the blog: my writing changed so much so, that I had to forcefully write something  (Not bragging but I'm saying my "skill" according to the site increased so much, this makes the ending a real kicker!) to get this message to show you all. And the fact I was getting this message STILL  when I started to write constructively is absolutely batshit stupid!

I screwed around to get the message again for you, but I should've saved everytime they gave me a bullshit message on my reviews. That way I could warn you with every example without wasting time...

To show you what I got when first writing; the message above appears too often.. Not just for what they suggest here either; like I screwed up reasons.. 

The site is bugged AF: if the screen flips for any reason then the bar revealing how much review you've written will be both obscured and obtuse. There's no way to know if you've written enough or not at this point.  Refreshing the page or writing until you see the bar go off screen is the only way to know, but be careful! If you write pass the limit off the bar then you'll get: 

I saw this for songs I liked and actually had a lot to say about, they DO NOT want you to like a song, neither do they want you to explain what you're  saying or why (while being angry if you don't write long enough reviews ) I also got both messages (above and below) in the beginning for really not having much to say for the many similar sounding songs (say that 6 times fast) then trying my best to analyze and get more from the song to fill the bar... Hm? "That sounds funny, chill out?" you might be thinking.. it's quite annoying if you seriously trying to get money. For as serious as they seem to have took themselves: Slice the pie makes it nigh impossible to simply write reviews, and writing quickly turns into a exam...

I tried stretching this out so you can see the type of reviews I last did for this site were nigh perfect to them. This is the review I TRIED TO SCREW UP to show you what they actually want.....! OK wait that sounded insane, I'll be clear in case I haven't repeated this enough

I did several "types" of reviews for this site: Natural, "Mature", Robotic, " and "absolutely mechanical sounding". The last one is kinda how I wrote this last review, and how I started finally making consistent money with Slice the Pie.. This screenshot is of me purposely screwing up a review to show you that they will still be upset if you do exactly as they say.. Hm? "I said this already?"  I'm trying to be clear: if you use this site, they will have a problem with everything you try...but under normal circumstances: this site will fight you nearly every single step of the way!

The rest of the messages are stupid and self explanatory too, like that one up there. So I won't go over them (That and, again: when writing this I used the site again to get the error same messages, but irony kicked in and I could only trigger 2 or 3 of them..While before I decided to review the site: All of these were coming came at me back-to-back!!!) I will quickly tell what I know about these error messages though so as to be thorough: 

You cannot write in any language except English, typos are intolerable to them too. If you refer to the site in any way they get very mad... And that's what I ran into when I initially joined, the latter.. The former is simply because my keyboard SUCKS, and the autocorrect SUCKS, AND I had to learn to avoid words I sometimes forget how to spell.. The word "Rhythm" constantly kicks my ass, and autocorrect NOT working correctly on Slice the pie makes it worse. Reviewing songs makes certain words somewhat important when writing reviews, but I had to skip around these (due to me not knowing how to spell some words and some apparently not being accepted on site)  as the site is unforgiving. 

Now on to the FINAL part...

This is the reason I'm upset and why I decided to write this review! Now if you've been thinking "You got money coming in, stop bitching!" I'd 190% agree with you, I have remembered this and altered my way of writing and took on a impersonal and Mechanical approach to the reviews, which I have said. And even when I was reprimanded for having "too similar sounding reviews" I pushed on, the money I could get from this IF I devoted more time to it could be astronomical as compared to doing surveys! But this ONE THING kept me from continuing (And no I won't beat around the bush: this is 100% the truth and no bullshit on my part at all!) 

Not metaphorically, not figuratively,  they completely and abruptly stopped paying money for no reason!
I'll show you, but it'll just be my revealing to you the truth in different ways/there's no reason to read any further if you have something else to do... but if you don't believe me...

 The next part IS proof, but you should know goddamn well I wouldn't leave a semi-easy job or side-hustle for no good reason!

All my Slice The Pie letters...

First things first, the image above is almost my entire history with these idiots. I say "almost" because they cluttered my gmail with letters saying they didn't like my reviews... but I kept one in case something like this happened.. But first I'll go over the letters in chronological order; this will be a arduous process and your last warning to skip to the end; regardless of all this proof the main thing is they haven't paid me pass a specific point!

The first letter they send me after the confirmation email, they lie to my face: the warm welcome is actually just their initiation process into slavery, as they'll stop paying you without warning..

Hopefully you can see this; the words are blurred for no reason and stretching might make it worse...

This letter was one of many complaining on the way I write, this is one of the reasons why I started to get more and more mechanical in my  reviews for them...

Probably my first payment from them? It's not a lot, but I wanted to see if they were telling the truth and cash outed quickly!

My last order from them as they abruptly stop paying after this, now I'll show you exactly what happened when I finally noticed NOTHING was added to my PayPal..

Here is when I contacted them about the lack of money...
in case you can't see it, this is simply me telling Alex (the customer service person, who, like most other customer service people; did NOT do their job!) that the money did not appear in my account

Now this is bullshit about my account not being verified, I was very confused at reading this as I HAVE received money in this account on multiple occasions.. so I was wondering if there was a extra step...

Low and behold; contacting PayPal revealed my account IS verified! I even received (small amounts) of money from different sources to be sure during this time (maybe I was wrong? Maybe something went bad?..) yet Slice the pie will never seem to listen nor understand that they're in the wrong here! Apparently I have to add my address to Paypal, (which us already there) to receive payments

PayPal said I didn't have to UNLESS I moved, but it's awfully hard to move when people who are supposed to pay you: DON'T! So yeah, same place, different day, same lie. "I'm not verified" and therefore cannot request further payments from this place.. So I decided to give them a test: I DID give them the benefit of the doubt, and refreshed my address on PayPal. But I needed to push more money inside to see if it will go and so.......

I ordered more money! My final payment from Slice the pie is: $11.00, and I even alerted Alex that I did, and the email immediately following confirmation of this cash out did not arrive. They eventually sent me a letter saying I was paid, but no more money was added to my PayPal. Yet again from other sources: I am still receiving small amounts (and could all this time) I'm getting some now (at the time I wrote this) to my PayPal, yet Slice the pie refuses to pay anything at any point: with Alex blindingly defending the company as if it were a innocent child that can't comprehend what I was upset about. Believe me: I was kind, and gentle but made it clear that they cheated me out of HOURS of time I could of used elsewhere! I tried to make sureiI WAS IN THE WRONG/ I tried to prove myself wrong for this MONEY or see if this whole thing was a fluke... but apparently; going forward this is what they'll do. "Get labour and not even pay $10" forever! 

The last letter ignores everything I said, as does

this... Again, ignoring what I explained... Well guess what? they won't read too many more of my reviews if you don't pay! Honestly...
 I'm sick of this and I'm not going to keep writing reviews for nothing, they said they would pay and haven't, just like all other apps...


In case you skipped to the end: here's the reason Slice the pie is here in case you haven't guessed already!

They DO NOT pay, and customer service sucks just as bad  as it does nigh everywhere else! You can work for them and they will eventually stop paying you for bullshit reasons! Above is the final letter confirming the payment "went through"

And this is proof that they don't pay after they get bored of doing so, even if it's a miniscule amount! The above screenshot is what happened when I clicked the link in the mail they sent me, and going to my account reveals there's not a penny more inside. Do NOT use this site/app expecting to continually make money and/or use as a side hustle. I'm in a situation where I can tell you the small crappy things they do that you may not be aware of immediately if you're super busy. I have the time to analyze exactly what they do and how they treat users, no filter, no bias: they paid a grand total of 2-3 times and stopped... That's probably $20-$30 over several months

Seriously I could ignore every other problem if they paid what they owe, but they stopped out of nowhere (then lie straight to my face that it's my problem). If this gets cleared up, I'll tell you, but as of now....

Slice the Pie is #BULLSHIT!!!



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